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What did we do in 2020?

With all the craziness all around us...not much and yet quite a bit. In summer we had one extra Toller puppy keeping us company until he was old enough to travel to his new owners. Little Miro fit in quite nicely with my pack. :)

We did quite a bit of hiking and exploring in spring and summer all around Slovenia (while not in lockdown). The dogs also got to swim a lot, much more than in previous years.

And in August Yu and I were able to make a short trip to visit some of our friends in Germany and 2 litters of Toller puppies.

We also took some family photos, here you can see Yu with her mother Kayra (middle) and half-sister Mira.

While all our planned hunting trials and competitions for this year were cancelled due to covid, Yu was able to finish her conformation championship so she is now Slovenian Champion in beauty:

Ch Slo Hunter's Moonlight Ocean Blue Yu.

We also trained quite a bit with cold game all throughout spring, summer and autumn and I hope we can attend a few trials and competitions this year.

Even with all this craziness and uncertainties we still had FUN and that's a big win in our book. :)

2021 we are ready!

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